Shein Mithani

Associate Director – Finance

Shein is an Associate Director within the Finance practice of the firm and is based in the Dubai (UAE) office of j. awan & partners.

Prior to joining the firm, Shein held key finance positions within Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulated firms across private equity, asset and wealth management including KKR, Invesco and RBC Brewin Dolphin. Shein specialises in management and regulatory reporting and in her previous roles, led the implementation of European and UK regulations including CRR and IFPR where she was responsible for the first successful application to the FCA for the group capital test waiver under the new regulations which subsequently shaped the process for the FCA.  Shein also has extensive experience in internal capital adequacy reporting and with other regulators including DFSA, NFA and HKMA.

Shein holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Financial Services and is a fellow of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (FCCA).